It is funny to think that we have been here just under two weeks, because it seems like forever. Ashley has a job as wait staff at a local restaurant/bar in town called Winnies, if you want to check out the site . I am still waiting to hear back if I have the bartender position at the same restaurant, but things tend to work out so hopefully it will work out soon. With our new jobs we have started our more permanent residence here, and I definitely feel at home in Queenstown. We have done a bit of hiking around our town, and we are started planning overnight trips. We will probably start taking these trips within a few weeks, and then I think our idea of New Zealand will be more mentally solidified.
I have just been talking with one of my housemates, Henry, and I was reminded how fortunate I am. We are sitting of the deck of our home listening to music, drinking tea, and watching the clouds. I am more accustomed to the scenery than he is (Brazilian) but still I feel so blessed to be apart of this town. The clouds are high, with patches of blue, and the birds are chirping. In this cloudy day there is so much hope. The view from our house is nearly unbeatable. We have the mountains, the city, and the lake. I am sitting listening to my new friends speak Portuguese. Usually if I can’t understand a language I assume that I am the topic of discussion. Vain I know, but it is still the game I play. This theory is usually thwarted because I pick up proper nouns like “work holiday”, “visa”, “Christchurch”, etc. Anyway, I have recently realized sometimes I am more comfortable being around other world citizens than being around Americans. It is really fun to be able to learn the secrets of another culture. How they view work, fun, friendships, and relationships. I am often stunned on how black and white issues to me are not black and white in every culture. Even though I may be a bit concerned of what I have learned, I am grateful to be apart of the knowledge/beliefs shared.